Fix problemer,mus,outlook,word,CS4

Oppdaget en kjedelig feil etter installasjon av Adobe Creativ Suite 4 på min maskin.
Musen ville ikkje lengre fungere når eg skulle redigere ett dokument eller e-post melding
i office small business 2003.

Fant en genial løsning på google som eg har klippet og limet her:

All was great until I tried to open up a Word 2003 document. I couldn’t. The only way to open up the file was to drag the file onto the Word icon.

Turns out I was also unable to use my mouse to create or edit an email in Outlook 2003. The keyboard was my only friend. I’m using Word as my email editor and I kept getting the error message:

Do you want to save the changes to:

Putting two and two together, I realized it must have been the CS4 install. It was and it changed or messed with my Windows registry settings.

The Fix

I searched high and low on Google and found the answer on Adobe’s forum explaining the fix:

  1. Edit Registry
  2. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftOffice
  3. Change the LoadBehavior value from 3 to 2
  4. Restart

It worked.

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